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    Адымова Алтынай

    Стаж 24 года


    Almaty SEMA Hospital
    Алматы, Наурызбай батыра, 31
    с 09:00


    Врач ведёт приём на казахском, русском и английском языках.

    Dr. Altynay ADYMOVA graduated from the Kazakh National Medical University in 2012 with honors, and completed her 2-year GP residency program in 2014. Dr. Adymova is a member of Association of Family Doctors in Kazakhstan and stays current with continuous medical education, regularly attending International trainings and conferences overseas.

    Publications, achievements: 

    • Publication “A comparative research of emotional and personality disorders in ambulatory patients with arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease”. Supervisor: Begimbetova R.S. Medical journal “Practical doctor” #2 (16) 2014.

                2014, Spring

    • Participant of Sсientific Conference at KazNMU University named after S.D.Asfendiyarov with research “The basic demographic characteristics of HIV cases registered in AIDS Center of Almaty in the years of 2003-2012”. Supervisor: Nugmanova Z.S.

                2012, Spring

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    Almaty SEMA Hospital
    Алматы, Наурызбай батыра, 31
    с 09:00
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